Saturday, November 28, 2015

Travel tips for an Active Outdoor Vacation

I believe your main concern for those who are active outdoor people are staying dry and warm while keeping the amount of stuff to a minimum.  So what is the best way to pack for an outdoor vacation? Here is the several tips that I believe is the best way to prepare for it. 

     What you have to bring:

In my personal experience, jeans look like the best outdoor cloth that you should bring during the outdoor vacation, but I recommend you to bring pants that are water proof and comfortable.  The reason is that because weather sometimes changes unpredictably at outside that once it rains, it will be hard to move when you are wearing jeans.  Bring a pair of heat-tech (cloths that trap the heat inside) tights, underwear to add a layer to make you warm because as you climb up a mountain the temperature will drop dramatically.  In addition, bring shirt, long sleeved shirts in fabric so that it will absorb sweat better than the one in cotton.  You will definitely want to pack raincoat in case it suddenly rains.  For those, who cant withstand the itch from bites then bringing anti-itch cream is a must have material.  In addition, bring band-aid for sure because it can ease the pain of blisters from hiking. (However, take the band aid at night so that it can heal faster).  Non-cotton socks are also great things to bring during outdoor because it will keep your feet dry.  Out of all those items that I have mentioned water bottle is the most essential items to bring because dehydration can be a problem on the trail.  In fact, bring a flashlight or headlamp for those who like to hike at night, but make sure that you are going the right area if you are doing night hikes.  

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